The world’s first oral treatment for AMD.

AltRegen is a biomedical company dedicated to developing a treatment for AMD and specializes in the biophysical aspects of Bruch’s membrane of the eye. We are working with numerous internationally respected world experts on AMD.

Our research elucidated the underlying mechanisms in AMD allowing us to formulate a treatment for this disease. As a consequence, we now hold worldwide patents and formulations for the prevention and treatment of AMD.

This is the only company to have developed a formula for removing the age-related accumulation of debris from Bruch’s membrane.AltRegen® formulation improves transport across Bruch’s membrane to restore the deficits in dark adaptation occurring in elderly people and AMD patients.

This means that the AltRegen® formulation improves the structure and function of Bruch’s membrane enabling the maintenance of good vision. Our teams have worked on this important project for many years and will not give up until we establish a treatment to help the patients.

We are happy to give you the opportunity to maintain good vision and prevent blindness allowing you a better quality of life.

We will help to maintain your eyesight to enjoy life with your loved ones.

Learn more about AMD

Everything you need to know about Age-related Macular Degeneration.